7 Yoga Poses For Catharsis And Anger Management
They say when you get angry, count back from 10 to 0 and you’ll feel calmer. While it may work, it’s nothing more than a temporary fix. And sometimes, you need a little bit more than that! If you suffer from anger management issues and get vexed at the drop of the hat, you need a solution that can calm you down.
Yoga is one such solution. This ancient practice is known to reduce stress and induce a sense of relaxation. Besides, since yoga focuses on breathing techniques, it can actually help you become calmer and purge your soul of negativity. That being said, even though yoga, in general, can help you control anger and catharsis, certain poses are more effective than others. Let’s take a look at 7 yoga poses that can keep your head as cool as a cucumber and help you release pent-up emotions-
1. Reclining Goddess
Sit on the floor and put a medium-sized yoga block behind your back. This block should be placed in such a way so that your shoulders blade rest on it when you bend. Put another medium-sized block where your head should be. Now slowly bend your back to rest on the blocks, adjusting your pose till you’re comfy. Keep your knees bent and your feet joined together at the soles. Stay in the pose for 10 deep breaths.
2. Ganesh Mudra
Get into the seated position by sitting on knees with your posterior resting on your thighs and your soles pointing out. Bend both the elbows and raise your hands to your chest, clutching them, with your left facing outwards and right one inwards. Your right thumb should be on top and your fingers should be hooked together like a claw. Inhale deeply and then exhale with your elbows moving apart while your fingers remain hooked. Repeat for 5 breaths.
3. Devotional Warrior
Stand straight with your right leg extended in front of you. Keep your hands behind you in a straight fashion and clasp your fingers. Take a deep breath for your chest to swell up and as you exhale, bend your body toward your right knee in a way that your head almost touches your right foot. Keep your neck loose and breathe deeply thrice. Switch legs and repeat.
4. Twisting Kriya
Stand straight, keeping your feet at a distance of hip-width. Your knees should be soft. Raise your hands above your head and join them in the Venus Mudra pose. Inhale deeply. When you exhale, suck your belly button and twist your upper half towards the left, going as far as you can. Inhale and come back to the original position and then exhale and turn right. Exhale rapidly through your nose and engage in passive inhaling.
5. Fourth Chakra Kriya
You have to sit on your knees and then raise your elbows so they align with your shoulders. Bend your elbows to form right angles. Your palms should face each other. As you inhale, stretch your elbows behind you to the extent you can. Then exhale and bring your forearms together so they almost touch each other. At this moment, keep your spine rounded and pull your belly button in. Repeat multiple times in a minute and breathe through your nose as you do so.
6. Camel Pose
Kneel on the floor with your thighs and back straight. Your body weight should be supported by your feet and shins. You can balance your feet on your toes if you wish. Next, put both your hands on your lower back and bring your elbows close to one another. Rotate your thighs inwards and bring your shoulder blades close to each other. Direct your gaze at the ceiling and raise your chest. Put your hands on your heels and bend your spine. Pull your head down and breathe deeply. You can do this 5 times.
7. Alternate Nostril Breaths
Sit in the classic yoga pose with your eyes closed. Rest your left palm on your left thigh and stretch the fingers of the right hand. Now fold the index and middle fingers of your right hand and press the thumb and ring fingers on your nostrils. Inhale and exhale deeply and shut the right nostril with your thumb. Next, count till 4 as you inhale from your left nostril. As you finish breathing in, shut your left nostril with your finger. Hold your breath for up to a count to 4. Open the right nostril and exhale up to a count to 4. Now inhale through the right nostril as you count to 4, close it, hold your breath till you count to 4 and then open the left nostril to exhale as you count to 4. Repeat this cycle as many times as you want.
Some of the poses here might be difficult for beginners but quite a few are very easy to do. Try them and within a few weeks, you’ll feel as calm as the ocean!