9 Signs That Your Body Doesn’t Eliminate Toxins Well

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Are you constantly suffering from headaches that refuse to leave you alone? Do you often find your mind drifting away at work or school or wherever it is your attention is sorely needed? Well, you may not be aware of this but these signs could be your body’s way of telling you: We’re full of toxins and we need a cleanse!
Sometimes, despite leading a relatively healthy lifestyle, we still experience fatigue or listlessness. Experts say one of the causes for this could be the fact that our bodies aren’t eliminating toxins well. In this article, we’re going to give you the lowdown on the 9 most common signs your body may be giving to you when toxins begin to accumulate the sacred haven that is your body!
1. Constipation
Suffering from chronic constipation could very well be a sign of an imbalance in your toxin levels. This is especially the case if you’ve been attempting to up your fiber game and have changed your daily diet to one that is more bowel-movement-friendly, but you’re yet to see any relief. In such a case, a deep cleanse may be just what you need.
2. Constant Fatigue
Have you been recently complaining of how it doesn’t matter just how many hours you spend sleeping every day, you still find yourself dreadfully sleepy, moody, and out of energy?
Well, if your body is working at its highest capacity, endlessly trying to eliminate those horrid toxins, then it’s normal for an individual to experience fatigue. And if you try consuming chocolates or coffee to counteract this problem, it may only serve to worsen the situation.
3. Weight Gain
It’s universally acknowledged that shedding pounds is very difficult for a portion of the population, while gaining weight can pose as an equally hard challenge for the other. And if you’re from the that small percentage of people who, despite a relatively healthy diet and regular exercise, are yet to see the changes on your weighing scale, then it could be a result of a hormonal imbalance induced by an overload of toxins.
4. Headaches
There is a myriad of causes for migraines. Nevertheless, if you’ve been experiencing these episodes several times each week, then it’s time to sit up and take notice.
If you’re struggling to determine just why it is you’re being plagued with headaches (read: you weren’t stressed today, didn’t spend the day in the sun, or experience insomnia, etc.), then you must consider trying to detoxify your body.
5. Problems Concentrating
If focusing on the task at hand is becoming more and more of a struggle, and you’re constantly being accused of “having your head in the clouds” by family and friends, then this ‘mental fog’ you’ve been afflicted with could very well be the work of a toxin accumulation. Once again, do not exacerbate this situation be consuming alcohol or coffee. Instead, eliminate the toxic waste in your body by eating right.
6. Insomnia
If you’re prone to nightmares and constantly wake up at odd times at night and can’t seem to fall back asleep, well, then your hard time getting some shut-eye may be due to excess toxins flooding your system.
It’s very simple, poorly eliminated toxins can interrupt the function of the sleep hormone, melatonin, which means no rest or relaxation. In such a case, relaxants or sleeping pills will only do more harm as you’d be introducing even more toxins into your overworked body. Instead, try yoga or meditation before you head to bed.
7. Depression
Do you find yourself perfectly happy and content one minute, then wretchedly miserable and blue (for no good reason) the next? Mood swings are often blamed upon environmental situations such as work, traffic, marital issues, housework or financial dilemmas. Yet, anxiety and depression can also be a product of an unhealthy diet that has led to a poor elimination of toxins.
8. Acne
Our skin is a reflection of our health. Ergo, it is vital that we pay attention to the changes in the mirror! When our body attempts to get rid of toxins, it will do so through several different routes. And the skin happens to be one of these ways. Hence, it isn’t that uncommon to see pimples pop up on your torso, back or face when things go south. To fight this, not only must you regularly exfoliate and cleanse your skin, but you must also pay attention to your diet.
9. Muscle Pains
If you’ve been experiencing muscle stiffness, spasms, and aches without having overexerted yourself at all, then toxins may be the reason for your pain. In such cases, it is very easy to chalk down the aches to a bad night of sleep or too much (or a lack of) exercise. However, another common reason that people overlook is toxic accumulation, which could lead to inflammation and, hence, mobility and pain problems.
All things being said and done, if you’ve been experiencing the above-mentioned signs for a while now, it’s best to consult your doctor for your peace of mind. Remember, at the end of the day, our health is our ultimate wealth!

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