If There Are At Least 5 Of These 8 Signs In Your Relationship, Your Husband Is Happy In Marriage

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Every woman wishes for a successful marriage. And the success of a relationship is determined by your partner’s happiness. Seeing your partner smile because of you is the greatest proof of the fact that yours is a successful match. However, there are certain subtle signs that can also indicate that your husband is happy with you. You need not always rely on words and can read his mind yourself. If your husband shows these signs, rejoice! You are one lucky woman.
1. Those Routine Kisses!
Every time he comes home from work, he makes sure to greet you with a kiss – and not one on your cheeks! He kisses you as often as he can and shows how fond he is of you. Sometimes kissing is better than hugging and cuddling, and is a proof that your romance is still alive. It is the easiest way he makes you feel special.
2. He Keeps In Constant Touch
There are two types of men – ones who say they are ‘too busy’ or ‘too tired’ to talk and the others who make efforts to remain connected even during their busiest hours so that you do not feel neglected. A content husband calls you often, even on business trips, and tells you how he misses you! He discusses minute details of his work, his worries, and how his day was. He might even seek your advice on certain matters. He is not the one who views trips as an escape and freedom from the bondage of marriage.
3. The ‘I Love You’ And Sweet Nothings!
He never gets tired of saying “I love you” or pampering you in the same way like you had just met. After several years in the marriage, a relationship tends to become stale, and husbands often find it childish to be playful and declare their love to their better halves. However, if he loves you, he will never leave a chance to still flirt with you and profess his feelings for you several times over. He knows your value and never hesitates in showing that to you. He also does not expect you to do things for him in return, in order to shower his love or praise on you. True love is selfless and never ages!
4. He Contributes Equally At Home
A perfect relationship is one where both husband and wife are equal partners in running the home and raising a family. If your husband loves you and cares for the family, he will make efforts to take time out to spend with you and children, even after hours of tiring work. He will help you do the household work and even contribute in your business. After all, if the feelings are mutual, the effort will be equal.
5. You Are The Apple Of His Eye!
He loves to compliment you. You don’t have to chase him to know how you are looking. He notices you and tells you his honest opinion. He stares at you like the first time you had met and you catch him doing so very often. You remain his favourite girl forever.
6. He Is Your Support System
He gives you a shoulder to cry every time you feel low. He never leaves you alone in times of distress. He comforts you whenever you complain or are disappointed. A partner is the one who never lets you face difficult times alone and holds your hand to assure you that the days will be brighter ahead. The success of a relationship is never determined by the good times but by sticking together and coming out stronger through tough situations. If you have such a husband, you are one happy couple.
7. Fights Don’t Last Long
If your husband truly loves you, he will never let a fight extend for days. He cannot stay without talking to you or showing his love for you for long. He never lets an argument convert into a fight and tries to solve it through discussions. He never says hurtful things during arguments. If he is at fault, he makes sure to say sorry and pamper you to the fullest.
8. He Shares His Dreams With You
If you have a good understanding with your husband and he trusts you, he will share his ambitions and troubles with you. You remain his motivation and he constantly looks for advice from you, taking your words seriously. He loves that you care and listen to his dreams patiently, all the while encouraging him to achieve them.
Relationships are a two-way street. For receiving such love and care, one needs to be equally devoted and faithful. If you have such a man in your life that has the abovementioned qualities, you are lucky!

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