Say Goodbye to Heaviness, Depression, Anxiety, Nerves and Bone Pain With Half A Cup Of This In The Morning!

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Before we skip to the happy ending, I would like to draw your attention to these disorders that we have mentioned in the title of this article. If you clicked on this article, then it’s quite possible that you find yourself suffering from one or all of these issues or maybe you know of someone who does. And therefore, you need to be better aware of those conditions so that you can actively seek solutions for it.
What Is Depression? How Is It Different From Anxiety?
Let’s begin by addressing the elephant in the room, — depression. When I say depression, it’s not the way we sometimes use the term to highlight the despairing situation in which we find ourselves. I mean the disorder Depression, the one with the capital ‘D’.
Funnyman Robin Williams had it, our Indian beauty, Deepika Padukone had it. In fact, a good chunk of the world’s population has it too (more than 300 million people across the globe) (1).
It is a mood disorder that has a debilitating effect on its victim’s life so much so that sometimes they even end up taking their own lives. Some of the common symptoms of this disease are as follows (2):
- The patient is taking no interest in the activities and hobbies that appealed to him earlier.
- Unexplainable weight loss.
- Withdrawal from social life and work
- In severe cases, complete inability to function on a day-to-day basis.
However, it has to be distinguished another term with which it is often confused with — anxiety.
You know the feeling that you get when you are very stressed about something, the palpitations, the tightness in your chest, the difficulty that you have in breathing. That actually is what it feels to be anxious. Only the symptoms that I have described above are an extreme form of it. This is also known as a panic attack. And when this excessive and extreme worrying stretched for a period of more than 6 months then this is characterized as generalized anxiety disorder (3).
What Happens When Anxiety And Depression Overlap?
Since these both are quite intense mental experiences when they happen on the heels of each other, it’s almost always too much for the victim. Unable to deal with this much trauma, the stress on the body manifests in the form of various body pains, a feeling of heaviness, a serious case of nerves.
And if left undiagnosed for long, it can take a serious toll on the health of the victim both physiologically and mentally.
What’s The Solution?
Since depression can be caused by a number of factors which include but are not limited to — a personal loss, a hormonal change, medication, etc. It’s treatment also covers a wide range of options. Treatment for anxiety and depression often includes cognitive behavioral therapy, prescription drugs, psychotherapy as well (4).
But There Has Been A Miraculous Discovery!
Recently a few scientists conducted a test to see the efficacy of magnesium in the form of magnesium chloride to treat depression in elderly patients. The results of the study were very encouraging (5). So, it can be that half a cup of this salt can give you relief from the symptoms of anxiety and disorder. However, if you do suffer from any or both of these disorders, we would suggest that you consult your doctor before using this remedy.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that is required for the proper functioning of our body. It is actually an important ingredient of almost 300 enzyme reactions that take place in our body (6). In fact, our body uses magnesium to build new bone cells, therefore you can also use magnesium supplements to treat bone pain. It has been shown in several studies that women with osteoporosis had fewer levels of magnesium in their body than those who didn’t have osteoporosis (7).
And that’s not all magnesium also helps your heart in pumping blood, it dilates the walls of our blood vessels thereby reducing the blood pressure and putting less pressure on the heart. This less-talked-about mineral really is a powerhouse of benefits when it comes to the smooth functioning of our body. And therefore, it won’t be surprising if it is included in the more traditional forms of treatment for depression and anxiety soon.
Before taking up any new remedy or medicine, please do consult your doctor, for what we have discussed here is still in the experimental stage. Please take proper care and precaution when it comes to switching to new modes of treatment and never do so against the advice of your doctor.
We hope this article armed you with new information to tackle these disorder head-on. In case you have any other queries, please share them with us in the comments section.

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