10 Newborn Worries (Not To Fret About)

Written by Sakshi Bajpai
Last Updated on

Parenthood brings with it a plethora of worries and confusions, which are usually the by-products of overthinking. As you’re busy bidding goodbyes to the doctors, some of you (especially first-time mothers) might be overwhelmed with immense worry and fear as you take your infant home. It mostly happens because you are unprepared for what to do next. However, if not controlled, these concerns could potentially drive you insane in no time.

To prevent you from getting overly anxious, we’re here to discuss the 10 most common things that parents worry about regarding their newborns!

1. Incessant Crying

If there is one thing you can expect out of a newborn baby, it is crying. But, no matter how aware you are, you can never be fully prepared for the constant cries, and it might prove to be upsetting to listen to your baby in distress. You might have tried pretty much everything in your power to soothe your little one – be it feeding, cuddling or burping, but nothing seems to be working.

However, before you call your paediatrician, keep in mind that it is entirely normal for babies to cry. If you still cannot calm them down, there is no harm in checking up with your doctor.

2. Swollen Breasts On The Baby Girl Or Boy

An increased level of oestrogen in your child, can also cause swelling of the breasts regardless of his or her gender. It may sound baffling, but it is indeed pretty common.

3. The Baby’s Soft Spot

The Baby's Soft Spot
Image: Shutterstock

Despite popular belief, if you feel your baby’s soft spot, you’re not necessarily touching his/her brain. It is a very thick membrane meant entirely for protection purposes. While striking it with force might be a cause for concern, but touching it won’t do any harm.

4. Constant Hiccups

Most parents panic when the cutesy hiccups become a common occurrence in their kids. They usually tend to blame themselves and their feeding habits for the same, but it is quite common amongst most babies. Though the reasons are vague, it is 100% natural regardless.

5. Blood In The Diaper

Blood In The Diaper
Image: Shutterstock

Seeing blood in the baby girl’s diaper can be a terrifying sight, no doubt. That being said, it is quite usual during the first week of their life. It happens due to the increased level of oestrogen in their body, created during your pregnancy, and is often termed as a ‘mini-period.’

6. Very Soft Poo Right After Feeding

If you’re regularly breastfeeding your child, then you will notice the texture of their poop happens to be very soft. The reason for this is that breast milk gets digested pretty quickly in comparison to bottled milk. Since your infant is on an all liquid diet, the stools are more likely to be softer than if they had a solid food diet.

7. Sneezing

Image: Shutterstock

As adults, we are accustomed to relating sneezing with a cold. Although, in the case of newborns, it can happen due to various reasons. Since your baby’s nose is not equipped enough to handle the environmental conditions that he/she has been exposed to, it might be a little congested. Sneezing is merely a way of getting rid of the congestion, which will fade with time.

8. Spitting Up Everything

A small stomach might be the reason that your baby is spitting more often (1). A condition like this would make it very likely for food or liquids to come right back up after feeding. However, this isn’t cause for worry as after 4-5 moths of age, they usually stop spitting up.

9. Facial Rash

Facial Rash
Image: Shutterstock

Any rash on the baby can seem dangerous at first. But, fret not. Facial pimples are a common occurrence from two weeks until two months of age, and are caused by the maternal hormones that circulate in your newborn’s body. All you need to do is a little cleaning of the affected area until it disappears by itself.

10. They Might Die

As horrible as it sounds, yes, this is one of the most significant concerns amongst first-time parents. They fear that their delicate baby might be prone to SIDS, or sudden infant death syndrome (2). Though it is rare, you might want to research to learn how to reduce the risk and ease your concerns.

Though worrying about everything is usual with new parents, being more aware and calm is the way to creating a better bond with your child. Nevertheless, you must always seek a professional’s help if it seems apt.

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Sakshi is a Linkin Park fan who does content designing, in that order. She has over 4 years of experience in content writing, copywriting, and blogging for digital media with specialization in Travel, Pop Culture, Beauty, Healthcare, and Food.

Read full bio of Sakshi Bajpai
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