Lines On Your Palm Can Reveal Life Secrets – Mine Was Spot on!

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We’re willing to shell out anywhere between Rs. 500 to Rs. 5000 for a 45-minute session with a qualified counsellor (1). All of this to just figure out ourselves and discover what we’re like. Which, in turn, is another way of understanding the past and hence predicting the future. However, for centuries, there has been a method of doing the same figuring out without spending as much dough – palmistry!
Now, while some are agnostic or outright against believing in it, there are a lot of fans in the believers’ camp. Nevertheless, whether you’re a firm believer or you don’t know the difference between astrology and astronomy, here are a few tips from the palmistry experts. Give it a try, if only because you want to have some fun!
There are four significant lines on our palms. There’s the heart line, the head line, the life line, and the all-important fate line. The nature of these lines from their lengths to their placing, with respect to the other lines, all show a distinct feature about us.
Remember, it might not be the most accurate prediction method available, but it has been doing the rounds since before Christ across the globe. Besides, who doesn’t like a giggle every now and again? Well, let’s get started!
Step 1: Look At Both Of Your Palms Together
If it seems to you that the lines on each hand are different, i.e., not symmetrical to each other, then it could reveal that you have put in a lot of work to try and change who used to be, or, to be more exact, your original nature.
Step 2: Locate The Four Main Lines

Some choose to look at the palm with the fingers facing towards them and some choose the opposite. Whichever tradition you’re following, make sure you know where the four lines are and that you know which is which.
Step 3: Examine The Heart Line

As you might have guessed, your heart line speaks about your heart, i.e., your emotional side. Your heart line can tell you about your love life, your feelings about romance, your emotions, and even how much you open up to people. If this line begins from the side of your hand and stops below your index finger, it shows contentment with your love life.
On the other hand, if it stops below your middle finger, it shows that you’re selfish when it comes to love. If it stops between your index and middle fingers, it could indicate that you fall in love easily. If the line is straight and short, perhaps romance doesn’t interest you in the least.
If it’s close to your fingers, then you have a lot of passion (which sometimes elevates to jealousy). If there are spaces in the line, you’re likely to have been heart-broken before, at the very least, once. If it stretches across your palm, then it indicates that you keep your feelings to yourself. Alternatively, if it’s straight and parallel to your head line, it could mean that you keep your feelings in check from time to time.
Step 4: Examine The Head Line

The head line is so named because it can show you things about your thinking and the nature of your mind. It lies right beneath the heart line and has importance in things ranging from the way you make decisions to your approach towards a task. If it’s a short line, then you enjoy things that are more physically engaging rather than ones that involve a lot of mental work.
If it’s absolutely straight and runs all the way across your hand, you’re logical and straightforward in your thinking. If it isn’t, then you’re likely not to have the focus necessary to stick with one task at a time. You’d tend to move from one thing to another, according to this reading. If it arches towards your wrist it is said that you are creative and trusting as a person. Circles on the line, however, shows true emotional hardship in your past. Crosses, instead, point towards important and life-changing decisions.
Step 5: Examine The Life Line

Going against the common myth that your life line will tell you how long you’ll live, the life line actually talks about your quality of life. Not even palmistry can help with the quantity of life you’ll have. There are a few things to look out for when it comes to the life line. Some people, for example, have more than one life line. That points towards being bubbly and vibrant, likely to be the heart of the party at some point.
Other things to watch out for include whether it’s curved (this could mean you’re a strong person), straight (you are the kind who takes things slow in a new relationship), deep (you’re a bon vivant, aching to perform at your full capability), broken (unforeseen variations in your life), has circles (possible serious maladies or injuries), or if it’s shallow and faint (possibly indicating an unambitious nature).
Step 6: Examine The Fate Line

There’s been a long-standing argument between determinism and fatalism. Having said that, palmistry gives a nod to fatalism. It’s written on your hand – how much clearer could it be? This line is in the middle of your palm, almost orthogonal to the head and heart lines, and straighter (albeit in the same sort of direction) as the life line.
If the line is deep as well as straight it could indicate a definitively promising career. A faint line, on the other hand, hints at job dissatisfaction. Lots of tributaries, if we can call them that (lines emerging from the fate line), points to a rocky career. If it originates at the same point as the life line does, it shows entrepreneurial skills. Alternatively, if it starts at the thumb and crosses the life line, it shows a deep and meaningful set of bonds with family and friends. If it joins the life line in the middle instead, it could suggest that you will give up what you like for other people’s sake.
No matter what your palm reading tells you, remember that it’s not definitive. It’s just a little fun playing around with one of the arts of divination. So, don’t get too proud or too worked up about your reading, regardless of how positive or otherwise it is.

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