5 Things You Should Never Tell Your Friends About Your Relationship

Written by Tanya Arora
Last Updated on

Having a BFF is a true blessing! You can share anything and everything you want – whenever you want! – without the fear of judgment or any kind of insecurities. Add to that the confidence that they’ll always be there for you and your life seems much easier than it would be without your best friend.

One of the hot topics of conversation between two best friends is always that of your love life! The excitement of crushes and new loves make you spontaneously reach for your phone and tell your best friend everything that happened as it happened!

Now, you might think this is a harmless and rather bond-strengthening feature of your friendship, but it can spell disaster for your relationship. Honestly, you shouldn’t share everything about your relationship with your BFF. And there’s a good reason for that.

Check out the 5 things you should never let your friends know about your relationship and why!

1. The Fights In Your Relationship

It’s quite tempting to pick up the phone and cry your heart out to your friend as soon as you and your boyfriend fight. But resist the urge to do that. Especially when it comes to all the little arguments you have every day. Your friend doesn’t really need to know every tiny detail of your relationship.

Why though?

One major reason you should not go crying to your friend as soon as you and your guy fight is because your friend may hold a grudge against your guy for a long time. You may forgive and forget and move on with your significant other, but your friend might not forget so easily.

2. The Lovemaking

2. The Lovemaking
Image: Shutterstock

These days sharing the details of your bedroom life with your friends is almost considered cool. Who doesn’t like showing off how great the under-the-covers fun is for them? But from a logical standpoint, discussing what happens (good or bad) when you and your partner are between the sheets is plain wrong. What happens there should stay there for good.

This is because lovemaking is something that is intensely private and only meant for the two people involved in it. So, even though you might be comfortable blurting out the wild times you had, your partner may not feel the same. And as their bae, it is your duty to protect and respect your partner’s privacy. Besides, does your friend really need to know all the graphic details?

3. The Comparison Of Your Present With Your Past

3. The Comparison Of Your Present With Your Past
Image: Shutterstock

Not only is comparing your partner with your ex bad enough, it’s even worse to bring up those comparisons in front of your friends. And yes, that is inclusive of those situations where you feel like your partner has screwed up and hurt you bad.

By constantly drawing up comparisons between your present and your past, you cast your partner in a bad light. Your friends will end up thinking poorly of your partner and about your choice as well. Why would you want to be with this guy if there’s nothing good about him? So, if you don’t want to harm your reputation or your boyfriend’s, steer clear of any comparisons altogether. They give rise to unrealistic expectations, which can severely damage your relationship in the long run.

4. Financial Issues

4. Financial Issues
Image: Shutterstock

Just like lovemaking is a private thing, financial issues are too. It’s okay to discuss your own money problems with your friends because that’s your own thing. But if your partner is going through some financial trouble, you shouldn’t go ahead and tell all of your friends about it. And here’s why:

Money matters are quite sensitive, and if your partner is placing enough faith in you to tell you about them, you shouldn’t break their trust by repeating what you learned to your friends. It’s a breach of trust, and quite frankly also disrespectful to the trust your partner has placed in you.

5. The Secrets Of Your Partner

5. The Secrets Of Your Partner
Image: Shutterstock

Again, your partner will only confide in you because you have managed to earn their trust. Secrets, after all, are a very private thing. Something you’d never tell a soul and would take to your grave if you never find anyone trustworthy enough. So, why would you want to wreak the faith your partner has in you by being a tattletale and sharing those secrets with your friends? You wouldn’t want your partner to do the same to you now, would you? Sharing secrets is a sign that your relationship is getting stronger. So, don’t ruin it by doing something stupid. Besides, you always keep a person’s secrets to yourself. Even if they turn into an ex.

Your relationship is something that only you and your partner know the truth about. Anything you share can be interpreted differently from what you intend to say, which may cause havoc in your relationship. So, no matter how close you and your bestie are, certain things should always be kept private.

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