The Craziest Things Pregnant Women Cry Over – As Told By The Hilarious Women Themselves!

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We women are emotional in general. The smallest gesture of kindness or a cute puppy will immediately make us go ‘awww’. And when we are pregnant, a dash of overactive hormones just add on to it. No wonder then that most people around a pregnant woman are completely taken aback when she cries at the drop of a hat for the silliest of reasons! Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But hey, mind you, we are not the ones who are saying it (lest it makes you cry again). It is the bunch of new moms and soon-to-be moms we spoke to. They all not only agreed that such emotional upheavals did happen to them, but also sportingly shared their own hilarious experiences. Here are the excerpts:
In This Article
A Hair Raising Feeling!
“Well into my second trimester, I decided to go for a chick bob, something that I’d always wanted for a really long time (I had mid-length hair). One look in the mirror after the haircut and I was weeping uncontrollably – it looked so good! But the hairdresser was completely scared! She thought I was crying for my lost hair!” – Shipra Kumari
What’s Cooking?
“I was never a great cook, to begin with. And no one in the family really expected me to cook as well. But somehow, that fateful day, I made up my mind to try a new recipe. Despite everyone advising me against it, I still went ahead. Goes without saying that it was a disaster and we ended up with pizzas for dinner. I cried by the bucket loads. My husband and I still laugh about it now.” – Azra Sheikh
New-Found Respect Eh?
“Haven’t we all found our neighbor’s kids a tad irritating at some point or the other? I wasn’t different either. In my defense, she had an intruding 9-year-old who’d ask me a million questions. But that day, seeing me struggle with the elevator, he simply held it for me until I entered. I just cried my heart out feeling guilty for the grudge I had against him all this while!” – Rachna Kelkar
Lunchtime Dilemma
“My colleagues once arranged a surprise lunch for me at the office. It had some of the things that I used to absolutely love – from a full-fledged meal to desserts! What more could someone ask for? Just then my pregnancy hormones kicked in and I began craving for something completely different altogether. I wept for the whole day. My colleagues thought it was because I was feeling bad for them. But, in reality, it was the thought of missing out on that delicious free meal that made me sad.” – Aishwarya
Fat Butt Ow Ski!!
“I generally had a very lean frame and I was quite happy with the fact that my belly wasn’t showing that much even in the sixth month. This one time I had gone to my sister’s place for a dinner invite. As we sat chatting, my 4-year-old niece suddenly pointed at and asked, point blank, why my butt was growing fat!! My sis spent the rest of the evening convincing me that kids lack observation as I bawled, tissue box in hand.” – Hanna Varghese
No More Coffee!
“I’m not a regular coffee drinker, but love cold coffee to bits. To my bad luck, not only was I asked to refrain from coffee but I also had a bad cold. Just the thought of not having coffee for a long, long time (which was just a few months though) made me whine and cry all the way back home from the clinic.” – Shahira Abbas
Don’t these reasons and situations sound simply hilarious? But then, pregnancy hormones do that to you! But the silver lining is that those around will always be willing to accommodate a pregnant woman’s swaying emotions. Have you too experienced a similar, hilarious “crying” spell during your pregnancy? If yes, what was it that triggered the storm? Do share in the comments section below and let’s laugh it out together again!

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