8 Effective Tips To Relieve Finger Pain During Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases in your life. However, the onset of pregnancy can also give rise to different health issues. Your body is going through a spate of physiological and emotional changes right now. And some of these changes can trigger discomfort and conditions like a pain in the fingers or carpal tunnel syndrome. So, if you want to know more about carpal tunnel syndrome and the cause for finger pain during pregnancy, consider reading our post below.

Causes Of Pain In Fingers During Pregnancy:

Carpal tunnel syndrome typically occurs due to nerve compressions that increase joint pain. It typically occurs because of weight gain and swelling in pregnancy. Pain in your fingers may increase at night. And, when the condition worsens, you experience numbness in your joints and palm.

Here are some reasons that cause pain in your fingers in pregnancy:

  • The carpal tunnel connecting the tube passes through nerves in your hands.
  • The tube tends to swell in your pregnancy and compresses your nerves.
  • With advancement in your pregnancy, you may experience mild swelling in your hands and wrists.
  • You may also experience swelling in your feet and ankle.
  • Your pain may worsen in your second and third trimester.

Symptoms Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

When you are pregnant, you must be watchful of the symptoms stated below, to know if you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome:

  • Numbness and pain while waking up at night.
  • Dropping objects frequently.
  • Burning sensation in your fingers.
  • Numb feeling while driving.
  • Cramping of hands or stiffness in the morning.
  • Weakness of the thumb.
  • Tingling in the ring, index finger and thumb.

All pregnant women may not experience the same symptoms.

Tips To Relieve Finger Pain During Pregnancy:

Before it gets worse and you rush to the doctor, there are some useful home remedies that you can try. Have a look below:

  • If your pain worsens while sleeping at night, you can change your sleeping position and make sure the affected area is not under any pressure.
  • Do not keep your hands in the same position for long.
  • You can use a pillow to rest your hand in an elevated position.
  • Reflex exercises can be helpful. You can get some immediate relief from pain in fingers and joints with the exercises. However, you need to be extremely careful and ensure you are not worsening your condition doing the wrong exercises.
  • Stay away from activities that can aggravate your pain in fingers.
  • Limit your caffeine consumption; it is known to aggravate joint pains.
  • You can look for a wrist brace if the pain is getting unbearable. Consult your doctor before buying it.
  • Alternative therapies like acupuncture may be helpful in this case.

You may have to undergo surgery in severe cases. So make sure to be careful and visit your doctor when you experience persistent pains. Do not take painkillers without the advice of your doctor.

A Word Of Caution:

If you think the pain in your fingers is getting worse in pregnancy, it is essential you develop a closer understanding of your problem.

Here is what you should know:

  • If you find your pain getting worse at night, it is because your body fluids tend to accumulate in the lower part of your body including your hands.
  • If you are working in front of the computer all day long, your condition may get even worse. So, remember to take frequent breaks and reduce your total salt consumption to reduce pain in your fingers.

However, the good news is that these symptoms tend to wither away after your delivery. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor if your pain gets unbearable.

Mothers, share with us if you too suffered from pain in your fingers in pregnancy and what you did about it in the comment section below.

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