20 Things I Want My Future Husband To Know

By Jayant MenonJayant Menon  • 

You haven’t met him yet so you don’t know his name or much else about him. You don’t know whether you will meet him at the train station as the both of you rush to get into the same compartment at the same time, or whether you’ll meet him at the discount bookstore looking at second-hand books as both of you look for the same niche author that you call a favorite – and he’ll let you keep the last piece.

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What you do know is, no matter how, when and where you meet him, there are certain things that you’d like him to know – things that may not seem hugely important at first, but form the very essence of who you are, and how you picture your married life.

1. Before You Ask Me For My Hand, Ask My Parents

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Some may call it old fashioned in this fast moving world, but if that’s what it is then so be it. The fact is that parents know their children the best, and that includes knowing what’s best for them as well. Plus, it proves that you have courage and respect, two vital characteristics for any man.

2. Share With Me, And I Will Do The Same

I realize that your world isn’t spinning around me, but I would still like to be a part of whatever it is that you do in your life. You hopes and dreams, your fears and feelings – share those with me and I will tell you what’s on my mind as well, and just how much I love my favorite TV show and just how I’d like to raise a family and all of that stuff.

3. Never Stop Getting To Know Me Better

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Just because we’re married is no reason to stop getting to know each other better and to stop working on the relationship. The little things also matter, so just like when you get down to open the car door for me or play with my hair, I will take pride in and love having a hot meal ready for you when you most need it, or be there to pick you up when you need me.

4. Take Care Of My Heart

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Know that I have been through a lot in the past and the fact that I’m marrying you means that you’re the last guy I’m going to be opening up to – so guard my heart lovingly and jealously, and cause me no more ache.

5. We Will Fight

But know that I will not stay angry for long, and I’d rather we fight passionately than not care at all. Know that even if I say something stupid in the heat of the moment, it will never mean that I don’t love you with all of my heart.

6. I Would Love To Travel

I love adventure and I would like nothing more than for you to join me as we travel the world – whether it’s a luxury cruise liner from Cairo to Port Blair, or backpacking through cobbled Italian streets.

7. I Want Kids

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Image: Shutterstock

And I want to raise them right with you. Having our kids grow up as well rounded, respectful, passionate, compassionate as we are will be our greatest accomplishment, and we will let them take on the world when they are ready.

8. I’m Not Perfect

And neither are you, but that’s okay. Know that I accept you just the way you are, and if you can do that too then we will grow to know each other and to take on the whatever the world throws at us as one.

9. Family Is Everything

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My family means everything to me, and I will do anything for them, but know that in time, they will be your family too. And all of the loving support that I received when I needed it most will be available to you too.

10. I Will Stay Faithful, Always

Even when you come back from work in a sour mood, or give me one word answers when I ask about your day. I know that we are in this together for the long run, and I will stay true to my vows and I will always stay faithful.

11. I Will Love You More With Each Passing Day

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Image: Shutterstock

Just by the virtue of being with you and committed to you, I will love you more and more with every single day that we are together – them temporary lows and highs will never change the fact that our love will always grow more and more.

12. I Promise To Be The Girl You Always Wanted To Marry

I don’t expect that you will put all of the effort into the relationship, I will too always do my part and keep my promise of being the best girl that you could have hoped to marry and much more than that.

13. You Are My Soulmate

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Yes, I believe in soulmates and if I am marrying you then I know that I have found my soulmate. This means that I will love you with all of my heart, mind, body and soul, and everything else that I have to give.

14. I’ll Always Inspire You

Whenever you take on anything new or try something different, know that you will have my full support. I believe in marrying someone who makes you a better person just by being there for you, and I will be that person for you by being your source of motivation and being your muse.

15. I’ll Never Belittle You

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And if in the quest for something new or something different, if you were to fail (which is bound to happen to the both of us at some point), know that I will never be one to belittle you or mock you in such a case. I will always be there to support you through thick and through thin, and I will work towards helping you get back on your feet again.

16. I’ll Always Challenge You

Even if it means that you get temporarily sick at the very sight of me. I’ll never let you settle for mediocrity and doing less than what you are capable of, and you will find in me the inspiration to be the best you you can be.

17. I’ll Be Your Escape

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Image: Shutterstock

When it seems like the world has gotten to you to the point where you can’t find a way out, know that I’ll be your escape, even if it is the comfort of our own homes. I’ll attend to your needs and I’ll help ease your insecurities – I’ll be the escape you need to get away from things for a while.

18. I’ll Give You Your Space

And when sometimes you need to get away from me for whatever reason, know that I will give you your space to go and hang out with your buddies or fly your quad-copter in the fields or even to retire to your den with a glass of scotch and the match on the television or your favorite book.

19. I’ll Always Appreciate The Small Things

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Image: Shutterstock

That you do for me. Whether it’s the fact that you always stop to give me a kiss before heading out the door, no matter how busy your schedule, or the way you make me a cup of coffee when you get up earlier than me on Sundays, I won’t take your loving gestures for granted.

20. I’ll Be Your Best Friend

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All in all, I’ll be the best friend you ever had, and the only friend you’ll ever need in this journey called life that we have decided to undertake together – and I know you’ll be the same for me.

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