No Breast Milk After Delivery: Reasons, What to Do, And Tips
It can be due to various factors, and some lifestyle changes may help some mothers.

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Experiencing no breast milk after delivery can be stressful and overwhelming for new mothers. Mothers are recommended to feed their babies immediately or at the earliest after childbirth. However, at times, things may not go as planned, and the mother’s milk may not come in. The absence of breast milk after delivery can happen for several reasons, such as the delayed onset of lactation or complications associated with childbirth.
It is essential to know that most mothers start producing breast milk within three to five days after childbirth (1). However, even after a few days post-delivery, if your breast milk supply is insufficient, you may consult a lactation consultant or a pediatrician to find a safe formula for your baby until you establish your milk supply.
Read this post to learn about the possible causes of no breast milk after delivery and tips on overcoming the situation.
What Triggers Production And Supply Of Breast Milk?
Breast milk production (colostrum) starts during the second trimester. Until delivery, this mechanism stays under check by progesterone hormone. But, as soon as a baby is born and the placenta is delivered, progesterone levels rapidly drop and prolactin hormone levels rise, triggering milk production (2). When a baby suckles from his mother’s breast, it causes the release of a hormone called oxytocin and a further surge in prolactin.
Oxytocin works on the muscles around the alveoli of the breast to contract and release milk out from the milk ducts. This process is known as the let-down reflex (3). For the first three to five days after delivery, babies consume colostrum. This early breast milk is a thick, yellowish-white fluid rich in vital nutritional and immunological components (4). Most mothers’ mature milk will come in, and replace colostrum, within the first three to five days after delivery.
Causes For Little Or No Milk After Delivery
In most cases, little or no milk after delivery is temporary and is caused by delayed onset of lactation (lactogenesis) which can happen for several reasons (5) (6) (7).
1. Overweight or obesity: Carrying too much weight during pregnancy can delay lactation onset postpartum. Keeping one’s pre-pregnancy weight at healthy levels and maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy can avert this risk.
2. Traumatic birthing: Slow dilation causing long labor, extended pushing period, and birthing tools, such as forceps and vacuum pumps, make the birthing process stressful and traumatic. Under stress, the body produces hormones, such as cortisol, that cause delayed lactation onset (8).
3. Cesarean delivery: Emergency cesarean delivery (C-section) can be stressful to mothers and babies. The same is true for planned C-sections, as well. Use of anelgesics or pain killers, such as epidurals, and extended separation of babies and mothers due to premature birth can also cause dips in breast milk production (9) (10) (11).
4. Excessive IV fluid use: Intravenous fluid (IV) use during birthing is done in certain circumstances (12). Large amounts of IV fluids given to a woman in labor can cause breast engorgement due to water retention (13). Until breast engorgement subsides, milk production can be affected.
5. Excess blood loss: Postpartum hemorrhage is a condition where a mother loses large amounts of blood, i.e., more than 1000ml, postpartum. Excess blood loss can reduce milk production by altering breastfeeding hormone (prolactin) production. Stress and fatigue due to blood loss can also delay lactogenesis (14).
6. Retained placental fragments: After delivery, when the placenta is delivered, progesterone levels in the body drop. However, progesterone levels may stay high if placental fragments are present. This can cause delayed lactation onset, affecting milk production and supply.
Below are some other reasons that a low milk supply may occur.
7. Certain health conditions: Health issues, such as diabetes, poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), gestational ovarian cysts, and thyroid conditions, can interfere in breast milk production. The hormonal imbalances that occu rin these conditions alterbreast milk production and supply.
Thus, it is good to maintain pre- and post-pregnancy weight and follow your medications for your health conditions diligently.
8. Medications and herbs: The use of certain medications, such as estrogen-based hormonal birth control pills, can slow milk production. Likewise, certain herbs, such as oregano, parsley, can also affect milk supply (15). If you are breastfeeding and intend to use any herb or are on any medication, consult a lactation consultant to be sure it is safe to use while breastfeeding.
9. Formula supplementation: When mothers have little to no milk supply, they sometimes resort formula supplementation. In some cases formula replaces breastfeeding. Since breast milk production is a demand and supply process, milk production may decline when the baby breastfeeds less due to formula intake
10. Smoking and alcohol use: Research shows that smoking and tobacco use effect milk composition and production. Alcohol has similar effects on milk production (16) (17).
In addition, poor latch, breast surgery, prolonged bed rest, and insufficient glandular tissue are some other reasons that mothers may have low breast milk production. Knowing the risk factors for low milk production can help you find possible solutions for having no milk after delivery.
Tips To Maintain A Healthy Breast Milk Supply
If you have no or low milk supply after delivery, don’t get stressed. Remember, breast milk production is a demand (milk removal) and supply mechanism. The more you breastfeed or empty your breast, the more milk your breasts produce.
Here are some tips that can help you make more milk: (1) (18) (19).
1. Milk expression and pumping: Whether hand expression or pumping, try to empty your breasts every couple of hours. No matter how low your milk supply, frequent expression and pumping can stimulate your breasts to produce milk. For pumping, you can opt for a hospital-grade breast pump with enhanced suction. Alternatively, you can try power-pumping, where you add frequent, short pumping sessions into certain times of the day..
2. Breast massage: Breastmassage is a technique of massaging breasts in a specific way that can help increase milk flow. Massaging your breasts for five to ten minutes between feeds can stimulate the breast for increased milk production. Research demonstrates that breast massage combined with breast pumping can increase breast milk volume (20) (21)..
3. Frequent breastfeeding: Besides massaging and pumping, you should aim to breastfeed around 12 times a day for around 15 to 20 minutes per session. During each feeding session, switch breasts and nurse your baby at least once on each side. Your baby should fully empty each breast. Ensure your baby is latched to your nipple properly and sucking and swallowing while feeding .Additionally, have as much skin-to-skin contact as possible with your baby both while breastfeeding and between sessions. .
4. Hot shower and heat pads: Applying heat on breasts can trigger milk flow. Take a hot shower or apply heat pads or warm compresses on your breasts before feeding or pumping to increase milk flow and production.
5. Relaxation: Fatigue is one of the reasons for a low milk supply. Thus, relaxing and giving yourself time to rest can boost your milk supply. Choosing relaxation techniques is a personal choice. Options include listening to soothing music or imagining yourself feeding your baby to relax and boost breastfeeding hormones.
6. Sound sleep: Taking care of a baby often leaves a mother sleepless and stressed. Persistent stress and less sleep cause cortisol levels to rise, hampering milk production and supply. Thus, it is vital to rest adequately, sleep soundly, and stay stress-free as much as possible. Having others help you with your baby is essential for being able to rest and sleep.
7. Healthy lifestyle: Eating nutritious food, drinking healthy fluids, and plenty of water help to increase milk production and supply. Make sure to eat a well-balanced, healthy diet consisting of a wide variety of nutrient-rich foods. Additionally, indulge in some physical activity whenever your doctor allows you to do so after delivery. Exercising helps maintain a healthy weight and releases endorphins that keep you stress-free and happy, a prerequisite to a healthy milk supply.
8. Galactagogues: Galactagogues are substances, such as herbs, that can help breastfeeding mothers enhance their breast milk production. You can consult a certified lactation specialist and discuss using galactagogues to enhance your milk production. They can guide you as to whether or not galactagogues will be useful in your situation and, if they will, what specific foods you should take and in what quantities.
Additionally, you may consult your pediatrician about formula or donor milk’s use for your baby until your breast milk supply improves. Supplementaton can ensure your baby gets adequate nutrition for their growth and development.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is it possible not to produce any breast milk?
Mammary hypoplasia, the presence of insufficient glandular tissues is a rare condition that causes failed lactogenesis 2. Lactogenesis 2 is copious milk production, which typically occurs between 24 and 72 hours postpartum (22) (23). A woman with mammary hypoplasia can have a low milk supply or complete lactation failure.
2. Can you still have breast milk two years after stopping breastfeeding?
Yes, it is possible to have milky discharge for upto two to three years after ceasing breastfeeding (24). However, some women might experience milk discharge called galactorrhea. Galactorrhea in itself isn’t a cause for concern. However, it may indicate an underlying condition, such as thyroid disorders.
Breast milk is the main source of nutrition for babies, and most mothers start producing it within three to five days of childbirth. However, sometimes, mothers produce insufficient breast milk or no milk due to several reasons such as obesity, excessive blood loss, and alcohol use. If you produce no breast milk after delivery, do not stress out. Since breast milk is produced on demand, try hand expression or pumping, frequent nursing, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Further, contact your pediatrician or lactation consultant for advice. They may suggest opting for a donor’s milk or formula milk until your milk supply increases.
Key Pointers
- The drop in the progesterone and rise in the prolactin levels after delivery trigger the release of breastmilk.
- But sometimes, a few mothers may experience a delay in milk release.
- This may occur during cesarean, traumatic deliveries, or if the mother has other health conditions.
- Massaging the breast, consuming galactagogues, relaxing well, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle could help you produce milk.
2. How milk production works;La Leche League GB
3. Breast Milk Production;Sutter Health
4. Meena L Godhia and Neesah Patel;Colostrum – its Composition, Benefits as a Nutraceutical – A Review.; Food and Nutrition Journal
5. Low Milk Production; Stanford Children’s Health
6. Breastfeeding and Delayed Milk Production;Johns Hopkins Medicine
7. Low Milk Supply, Fact sheet for Health Care Professionals;Health Service Executive
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11. Judith A. Lothian,The Birth of a Breastfeeding Baby and Mother;NCBI
12. What to Know About an IV During Labor and Birth;Lamaze International
13. Sonya Kujawa-Myles et al.;Maternal intravenous fluids and postpartum breast changes: a pilot observational study; NCBI
14. Lydia Henry and Stephanie P. Britz;Loss of Blood = Loss of Breast Milk? The Effect of Postpartum Hemorrhage on Breastfeeding Success;JOGNN
15. Anne Eglash; Treatment of Maternal HypergalactiaNCBI
16. Alcohol and Smoking After Pregnancy;Healthy Families, British Columbia
17. Cândida Caniçali Primo et al.;Effects of maternal nicotine on breastfeeding infantsNCBI
18. Educating Breastfeeding Mothers on How to Boost Milk Supply;University Hospitals
19. Pump It Up: 6 Tips for Increasing Breast Milk Production;UAB Medicine
20. Methods of milk expression for lactating women;NCBI
21. Hand Expression of Breastmilk;La Leche League GB
22. Megan W. Arbour and Julia Lange Kessler; Mammary Hypoplasia: Not Every Breast Can Produce Sufficient Milk; Wiley Online Library
23. Physiology, Lactation; NCBI
24. Lactating but not nursing; Columbia University

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