300+ Unique Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

In This Article
“Never Have I Ever” questions for couples is a fun game to play in a large group of people, where there are mostly couples. The game is perfect to get to know more about your partner and for nurturing your bonding. It is the right choice to play when you have a group of friends over for a weekend party, or you can also play this game separately on a date night with your partner only at any point when you feel bored or want to add some fun to the day. This game makes everyone laugh when they get to know each other’s funniest truths. So we bring to you a list of entertaining questions categorized into separate sections of fun, revealing, icebreaking, and romantic questions. Scroll down.
How To Play The “Never Have I Ever…” Game
The rules for playing the “Never Have I Ever…” game are rather simple. Considering you are playing the game with a group of friends, you need to follow these steps:
- Sit or stand in a circle with your fingers raised.
- One person should say something they have never done. For example, “Never have I ever been to London.”
- The players in the group, who have been to London, should put down a finger.
- Take turns to pose your questions.
- The game ends when someone has all their fingers down.
Fun tip 1: You could spice it up a bit by asking your friends to sip their beers each time they put a finger down.
Fun tip 2: If only one person puts their finger down for a question, you could ask them to provide you with details.
Fun tip 3: Try to include gender-specific questions to make the people of the opposite gender in the group drink. For example, “Never have I ever been pregnant.”
Things You Should Keep In Mind
Here are a few things to keep in mind while playing the game.
- Do not get too serious.
- Do not let your questions get too dark or embarrassing just because you want to feel the excitement of playing.
- Ensure no one over drinks. Play safe and have fun.
Romantic Never-Have-I-Ever Questions For Couples
- Never have I ever said “I love you” just for the sake of saying it.
- Never have I ever written a love letter to someone.
- Never have I ever felt ashamed of my partner.
- Never have I ever massaged someone.
- Never have I ever kissed someone I don’t know.
- Never have I ever been unfaithful.
- Never have I ever said my partner’s cooking was terrible.
- Never have I ever dated someone for their money or looks.
- Never have I ever thought of my partner as arrogant.
- Never have I ever eaten the last piece of dessert meant for my partner.
- Never have I ever forgotten my partner’s birthday.
- Never have I ever spoken ill of my partner’s parents.
- Never have I ever said no to picking up the kids from school.
- Never have I ever said no to cleaning the baby’s diaper.
- Never have I fallen asleep on my partner while watching TV.
- Never have I ever lied to impress someone.
- Never have I ever tried to lose at a game of truth or dare.
- Never have I ever texted someone just to tell them how much I miss them.
- Never have I ever shared a slow dance under the stars with my significant other.
- Never have I ever tried to match the color of my clothes with my partner’s.
- Never have I ever said, “I am on my way” when I was still at work.
- Never have I ever done community service.
- Never have I ever been gifted jewelry.
- Never have I ever made a marriage proposal.

- Never have I ever fed someone with a spoon.
- Never have I ever sent someone a cute morning text message.
- Never have I ever sat by a fire in a forest.
- Never have I ever gifted someone a bouquet.
- Never have I ever spent a night with someone on the beach.
- Never have I ever been on a long drive with someone of the opposite gender.
- Never have I ever kissed in a theater.
- Never have I ever had a romantic candlelit dinner.

- Never have I ever dated someone just to make someone else jealous.
- Never have I ever lied to you about how you looked.
- Never have I ever thought we should have a baby.
- Never have I ever hit on someone else while we’ve been together.
- Never have I ever wanted to change something about my partner.
- Never have I ever smelled my partner’s clothes.
- Never have I been on a spontaneous getaway with my partner.
- Never have I ever been surprised by a partner with a romantic gesture.
- Never have I ever watched the sunrise or sunset with my partner.
- Never have I ever cooked a special meal for my partner.
- Never have I ever said ‘I love you’ in another language to my partner.
- Never have I ever planned a surprise date for my partner.
- Never have I ever written a romantic poem for my partner.
- Never have I ever watched a romantic movie with my partner.
- Never have I ever tried to recreate our first date with my partner.
- Never have I ever danced with my partner in the rain.
- Never have I ever surprised my partner at their workplace.
- Never have I ever made my partner breakfast in bed.
- Never have I ever had a destination wedding.
- Never have I ever fallen in love.
- Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
- Never have I ever flirted in public.
- Never have I ever gotten bored in a relationship.
- Never have I ever felt nervous and giddy in front of someone in this room.
- Never have I ever embarrassed myself in front of my partner.
- Never have I ever handmade a gift for someone.
- Never have I ever gotten or given a hickey.
- Never have I ever gone on a picnic date with my partner.
- Never have I ever been proposed to on a hot air balloon ride.
- Never have I ever woken up next to someone I love dearly.
Never-Have-I-Ever Icebreaker Questions For Couples
- Never have I ever gotten into a fistfight.
- Never have I ever been the school leader.
- Never have I ever performed a solo dance in front of a huge crowd.
- Never have I ever been to a live concert.
- Never have I ever stuck gum under a chair.
- Never have I ever been caught cheating on a test.
- Never have I Netflixed for a whole week straight.
- Never have I ever been on TV.
- Never have I ever played spin the bottle.
- Never have I ever missed a flight.
- Never have I ever been on a cruise ship.
- Never have I ever fired a gun.
- Never have I ever rode an elephant.
- Never have I ever gotten a tattoo.
- Never have I ever crashed a party or wedding.
- Never have I ever traveled solo.
- Never have I ever gotten a piercing apart from my ears.
- Never have I ever made a fake social media
- Never have I ever believed in a conspiracy theory.
- Never have I ever seen a cheetah.
- Never have I ever fought in a bar.
- Never have I ever moonwalked.
- Never have I ever accidentally said “I love you” to someone.
- Never have I ever watched any Game of Thrones episode
- Never have I ever borrowed anything from my next-door neighbors.
- Never have I ever won a lottery.
- Never have I ever shaved my legs.
- Never have I ever been to jail.
- Never have I ever participated in a protest.
- Never have I ever been in a band.
- Never have I ever read a romance novel.

- Never have I ever lied about my age.
- Never have I ever gone skinny-dipping.
- Never have I ever broken the law.
- Never have I ever gone skydiving.
- Never have I ever eaten something exotic like insects.
- Never have I ever had a paranormal experience.
- Never have I ever gone bungee jumping.
- Never have I ever received a love letter from a secret admirer.
- Never have I ever stayed up all night talking to someone.
- Never have I ever been on a blind date.
- Never have I ever got rejected.
- Never have I ever kissed someone on the first date.
- Never have I ever owned a pet.
- Never have I ever regretted a tattoo.
- Never have I ever rode a motorcycle.
- Never have I ever gotten lost in a foreign country.
- Never have I ever broken a bone.
- Never have I ever re-gifted a gift.
- Never have I ever run a marathon.
- Never have I ever had a major dental treatment.
- Never have I ever accidentally shaved off my brother’s head.
- Never have I ever cried in public.
- Never have I ever gone for a solo night ride.
- Never have I ever gotten into a car accident.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep in a class.
- Never have I ever lied to get out of plans.
- Never have I ever stood up on someone.
- Never have I ever ignored someone I knew in public.
- Never have I ever had dairy.
- Never have I ever lied to my parents about being at a friend’s house when I was someplace else.
- Never have I cried at work.
- Never have I ever sang in front of an audience.
- Never have I ever caused a kitchen disaster while cooking.
- Never have I ever told someone else’s secrets.
- Never have I ever Googled my own name.
- Never have I ever gotten mistaken for a celebrity.
- Never have I ever lied about knowing a famous personality.
- Never have I ever pretended to be someone famous.
- Never have I ever forgotten my passport at home.
- Never have I ever accepted a drink from a stranger.
- Never have I ever sent a hot guy at the bar a drink.
- Never have I ever been in a fight.
- Never have I ever been caught smoking cigarettes
- Never have I ever practiced my dance moves in front of the mirror.
- Never have I ever acted sick to skip school.
- Never have I ever had an imaginary friend.
- Never have I ever slept through my alarm for a whole day.
- Never have I ever quit my job.
- Never have I ever kept my plants alive for more than a year.
- Never have I ever faked ‘network issues’ to get out work when working remotely.
- Never have I ever ordered pizza past midnight.
- Never have I ever cut in line.
- Never have I ever blurted out a secret.
- Never have I ever slept in the car.
- Never have I ever made my sibling cry on purpose.
- Never have I ever been to Disneyland.
- Never have I ever shoplifted.
- Never have I ever rummaged through my parents’ alcohol cabinet.
- Never have I ever snuck out of the house.
- Never have I ever stolen money from my parents’ wallet.
- Never have I ever stolen my siblings’ clothes.
- Never have I ever showed up under the influence at a family function.
- Never have I ever rewatched old home videos.
- Never have I ever spat out food when no one was looking.
- Never have I ever gotten into a physical altercation with my sibling.
- Never have I ever puked in public.
- Never have I ever partied till the break of dawn.
- Never have I ever taken a dance class.
- Never have I ever tried out a new recipe.
- Never have I ever made up a story to impress someone.
- Never have I ever gotten stitches.
Funny Never-Have-I-Ever Questions For Couples
- Never have I ever walked into a glass window.
- Never have I ever gone on a date in my pajamas.
- Never have I ever forwarded a wrong text messageto my folks.
- Never have I ever used deodorant before a bath.
- Never have I ever hid the remote control.
- Never have I ever snored while sleeping.
- Never have I ever sung in the bathroom.
- Never have I ever been caught picking my nose.
- Never have I ever screamed while watching a horror movie.
- Never have I ever made a romantic gesture that ended up being a complete disaster.
- Never have I ever waved to someone who wasn’t waving at me.
- Never have I ever spelled onomatopoeia wrong.
- Never have I ever made a prank call.
- Never have I ever hidden food from my guests.
- Never have I ever had pizza for three consecutive meals.
- Never have I ever listened to Kanye West.
- Never have I ever been caught singing in the shower by my partner.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked in on my significant other doing something embarrassing.
- Never have I ever walked into the wrong restroom.
- Never have I ever said a baby was cute when I thought it was ugly.
- Never have I ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person.
- Never have I ever walked into a room and forgotten why I was there.
- Never have I ever eaten something off the floor because the five-second rule totally applies.
- Never have I ever snorted while laughing.
- Never have I ever worn mismatched socks on purpose.
- Never have I ever had an embarrassing autocorrect fail in a text conversation.
- Never have I ever worn clothing inside out in public.
- Never have I ever tripped and fallen in public.
- Never have I ever used my partner’s toothbrush by accident.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep in the theater.
- Never have I ever used a fake ID to get drinks.
- Never have I ever clogged someone else’s toilet at a party.
- Never have I ever forgotten to take my wallet and ended up washing the restaurant’s dishes.
- Never have I ever eaten an entire pizza by myself.
- Never have I ever peed in the swimming pool.
- Never have I ever cut my own bangs.
- Never have I ever farted and blamed it on someone else.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I spat out my drink.
- Never have I ever farted in front of a significant other.
- Never have I ever walked in on my parents doing it.
- Never have I ever vomited on a rollercoaster ride.
- Never have I ever worn my underwear inside out because I ran out of clean undies.
- Never have I ever gotten locked out of my house.
- Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet.
- Never have I ever forgotten where I parked my car.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed myself.
- Never have I ever lost my keys when they were in my hand.
- Never have I ever lost my sunglasses when they were on my head.
- Never have I ever fallen on my face.
- Never have I ever said something embarrassing to a friend when they were on speakerphone.
- Never have I ever got caught complaining about someone while the person was listening.
- Never have I ever been embarrassed by a hundred people not laughing at my joke.
- Never have I ever accidentally laughed at a funeral.
- Never have I ever eaten someone else’s lunch from the office fridge.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep at work.
- Never have I ever eaten a whole jar of pickles.
- Never have I ever farted in an elevator.
- Never have I ever worn my pajamas to school.
Revealing Never-Have-I-Ever Questions For Couples
- Never have I ever dated a coworker.
- Never have I ever shared intimate pictures.
- Never have I ever stolen my partner’s coins.
- Never have I ever eavesdropped on my partner.
- Never have I ever used Tinder.
- Never have I ever had a crush on my friend’s partner.
- Never have I ever drunk-dialed someone.
- Never have I ever tried speed dating.
- Never have I ever lied on the first date.
- Never have I ever had a casual romantic encounter.
- Never have I ever flirted with a nurse.
- Never have I ever whispered gently in someone’s ear.
- Never have I ever blocked someone on social media.
- Never have I ever fallen while wearing heels.
- Never have I ever lied about why I didn’t call someone back.
- Never have I ever regretted dating someone.
- Never have I ever chatted with someone all night long.

- Never have I ever ended a relationship over text.
- Never have I ever watched 50 Shades of Grey.
- Never have I ever forgotten an anniversary or important date.
- Never have I ever lied to avoid an argument with my partner.
- Never have I ever snooped through my partner’s phone.
- Never have I ever kept a secret from my partner.
- Never have I ever flirted with someone else while being in a relationship.
- Never have I ever had a crush on someone while in a relationship.
- Never have I ever fantasized about being with someone else.
- Never have I ever peed in the shower.
- Never have I ever been jealous of an ex.
- Never have I ever had a one-night stand.
- Never have I ever lied about my past relationships.
- Never have I ever accidentally set my house on fire.
- Never have I ever drunk-dialed my ex.
- Never have I ever dined and dashed.
- Never have I ever given or received a lap dance.
- Never have I ever eaten pet food.
- Never have I ever worn someone else’s underwear.
- Never have I ever gone to a strip club.
- Never have I ever given someone a fake number.
- Never have I ever gone commando.
- Never have I ever called my partner by the wrong name.
- Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher.
- Never have I ever kissed my best friend.
- Never have I ever had a crush on my best friend.
- Never have I flirted with someone just to get my way with things.
- Never have I ever catfished someone.
- Never have I ever stalked my ex on social media.
- Never have I ever stalked my ex’s partner on social media.
- Never have I ever puked on a friend.
- Never have I ever eaten leftover food from another table at a restaurant.
- Never have I ever fancied a friend’s parents.
- Never have I ever had severe diarrhea while on a date with someone.
- Never have I ever fixed a wedgie in public.
- Never have I ever played strip poker.
- Never have I ever hooked up with someone ten years older to me.
- Never have I ever had a sugar daddy/mommy.
- Never have I ever made love in public.
- Never have I ever kissed a friend’s sibling.
- Never have I ever broken into someone’s place to use their swimming pool.
- Never have I ever had an open relationship.
- Never have I ever slept with someone whose name I didn’t know.
- Never have I ever flashed someone.
- Never have I ever had a fake social media account.
- Never have I ever lied about my job to impress someone.
- Never have I ever been nude in public.
- Never have I ever dated multiple people at the same time.
- Never have I ever gone through my partner’s Google search history.
- Never have I ever considered breaking up.
- Never have I ever pole danced at a bar.
- Never have I ever been picked up by someone attractive at the club.
- Never have I ever regretted saying yes to something you asked.
- Never have I eaten food at a restaurant and left without paying.
- Never have I ever ghosted someone.
- Never have I ever been ghosted.
- Never have I ever had a negative bank balance.
- Never have I ever stayed in a relationship with someone that I didn’t like.
- Never have I ever thought about a life without you.
- Never have I ever gotten in trouble with the law.
- Never have I ever been in a relationship that lasted less than 24 hours.
- Never have I ever been part of a physical brawl.
- Never have I ever daydreamed about our wedding.
- Never have I been caught sneaking out of the house.
- Never have I ever snuck someone into my bedroom.
Illustration: Unique Never Have I Ever Questions For Couples

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is it okay to lie when playing Never Have I Ever?
No, lying when playing Never Have I Ever is not okay. The game is built on honesty, trust, respect, and sharing experiences with others. Lying undermines the game’s purpose and can ruin others’ experiences.
2. Should we use alcohol when playing Never Have I Ever?
The consumption of alcohol may impair judgment, increase the likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors and lead to negative consequences. Therefore, individuals need to make informed decisions about whether or not to consume alcohol and to do so responsibly if they choose to.
3. Can playing Never Have I Ever lead to deeper conversations about our relationship?
Yes, playing Never Have I Ever can potentially lead to deeper conversations about a relationship. The game can prompt individuals to share experiences and perspectives they may not have shared before, providing an opportunity for greater understanding, support, compassion, and connection.
4. How do I approach the game if my partner and I have different comfort levels with specific questions?
If you and your partner have different levels of comfort with specific questions in a game, it’s important to practice open and honest communication with each other. You could modify the game to include only questions that you both feel comfortable answering. The key is to prioritize your partner’s feelings and find a compromise that works for both of you.
These never have I ever questions for couples will help you better understand your partner and let you have a fun time while making memories. You could also play games like this one with a close group of friends and add a few questions of your own to add spice to the game. We have included questions on various categories to make it easier for you to pick out the one that you would like to ask. So go ahead, ask questions, explore the answers of your friend or loved one, and have fun!
Infographic: Spark Up The Romance With These Exciting Questions
You may pop a question when having a drink or in a casual get-together; these never have I ever questions are perfect for revealing the fun side of your partner and getting to know them better. This infographic brings you a few exciting and romantic questions to set up the mood and seal memorable moments with your partner. Illustration: The Bridal Box Design Team
Key Pointers
- Couple games are a great way to keep the relationship’s spark alive.
- One such game is ‘Never Have I Ever,’ which is a great choice for when you want things to get interesting.
- These questions can make understanding your partner’s personality fun and add a lighthearted touch to the process.
- You can add questions or make changes to the suggested ones to suit your needs.

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