8 Signs You’re In A Loveless Marriage And How To Deal With It

Ignoring, fighting, and disrespecting may point lack of love in marriage.

Reviewed by Vincenzo Sinisi, HPCSA, SAPA/IPA, IGA Vincenzo Sinisi Vincenzo SinisiHPCSA, SAPA/IPA, IGA twitter_iconlinkedin_iconinsta_icon Specialty: PsychotherapyExperience: 14 years
Written by Sanjana lagudu sanjana lagudu
Last Updated on

A loveless marriage can make you reevaluate your relationship and wonder whether there is anything to be happy about. Marriage is all about love, trust, and commitment. Couples need to share a strong bond to make things work in a marriage. However, sometimes, couples get into a relationship too early, or their love for each other fades away after a few years. In such cases, couples feel strangled and trapped in the marriage. They cannot see the step ahead.

Marriage for these couples turns meaningless as they lack the excitement to rekindle their relationship. Couples are unsure of their relationship status and feel as if they are stuck in a loveless marriage.

This post will tell you the signs of being in a loveless marriage and what you can do to improve it.

Is ‘Love’ The Missing Ingredient In Your Marriage?

You do not wake up one day and realize that you are stuck in a loveless marriage. No, it does not work that way.

You end up accumulating all the small and big things that start to drain you mentally. And before you know it, you may find yourself questioning the relationship. Couples might not drift apart deliberately, but when things in life, such as kids, job, etc., start to catch up, the relationship tends to take a back seat.

Eventually, in an attempt to raise the kids in a peaceful environment or accumulate sufficient wealth, you do not realize that you are losing something more valuable than any of the material things you’re after — the love in your marriage.

Signs You Are In A Loveless Marriage

In a loveless marriage, you will not find happiness, peace of mind, or passion. If you’re feeling lonely in a marriage or a committed relationship, these signs are an indication that there is no love left in the marriage.

  1. You’d rather speak to your friends than your partner. If you prefer talking to others more than to each other, chances are you are not as intimate or comfortable as you’ve been before. You could have the nastiest of fights, but that must not make you hate each other or turn towards other people for love and support. And if you find yourselves harboring negative feelings towards each other after every argument or fight, then take it as a sign of the absence of love.
  1. You ignore each other during difficult times. The beauty of being in a loving relationship is the trust that you will have in each other, even during turbulent times. But, in a loveless marriage, you will end up handling the difficult things all by yourself. Trying to reach out to your partner could only result in you being called overly dependent or overbearing. Ultimately, you conclude that your significant other is not worth relying upon during difficult times.
  1. You keep fighting over the same things. Another glaring sign of a loveless marriage is that both of you cannot agree on anything. You fight on and on about the same issues and end up hating each other. This steady toxic flow could be a symptom of deep resentment towards each other. Such negative feelings will ultimately erode your marital relationship.
  1. You both do not respect each other. Respect is as important as love. When you respect someone, you are cautious about how your actions affect them. You have positive feelings for them, and this pursues you to make compromises and amends for your partner.

However, in a loveless marriage, the stocked negative feelings make it impossible to think positively of your partner. Even when they show unconditional love, you are wary of their behavior.

  1. You try to avoid instead of addressing the issues: In a loveless marriage, the issues are like the elephant in the room. Both of you know you should address them, but neither of you wants to, probably because of previous failed attempts to discuss rationally. You try to distract yourselves with other things. You try to distract yourselves with other things.

If you find yourself always running errands or taking up mammoth tasks for others just to keep yourself busy, it is time to pause and acknowledge the elephant in the room.

  1. Communication goes wrong. When love is lost, communication becomes almost impossible. The lack of respect will lead to a disinterest in listening to the other person, followed by blaming and arguing.

For example, when your partner forgets to take the trash out, you would probably yell at them things like “you never listen to me!” or “how many times should I tell you,” when you could say the same thing politely. They may seem trivial, but such simple everyday things are enough to cause huge fights. There is no kindness or courtesy when you talk to each other because you do not love or respect them enough to make that effort.

  1. You grow apart and not together. As the relationship progresses, both you and your partner learn from mistakes and grow together. In a loveless marriage also, there is growth, but independent of one another. Both you and your partner have a world of your own. At one point, you become so independent that you no longer feel the need to stay connected with each other. Uncomfortable silence prevails in the house, with no one trying to break it.
  1. Physical intimacy doesn’t excite you anymore. Sex, coupled with love, is the ultimate expression of intimacy in a relationship. Without love, physical intimacy will lose its appeal. You still might be intimate with your partner, but the voice in your head constantly nags you that this is not right. Physical signs of affection such as hugging and kissing disappear, leaving physical intimacy a mere chore.

If these signs are evident in your relationship, then you, your partner or both will soon have second thoughts about staying in the relationship.

Does it mean you should walk out of a loveless marriage?

Should You Stay In Or Leave A Loveless Marriage?

The answer to this question lies within you, as you are the one in the relationship and know about the issues first hand. To determine whether or not you should stay in the relationship, you can take two approaches.

Goal-based approach: In this, you work towards a goal – to make the relationship work. Everything you do will be for promoting that single goal. For example, you decide to stay in the relationship for your kids or because you want to give it your all before calling it quits. Here, both the partners must be willing to put in the effort to bring back the love into the relationship.

Emotional approach: If your primary reason to stay in the relationship is the fear of being alone or the financial dependency on your spouse, then the chances are that you fear the future and are holding on to what you have. Psychotherapy can help you address these fears and to see that you both deserve a chance at a happy future.

Among the two approaches, the goal-based approach is more likely to work. When you want to live together, you are motivated to put in the effort to fall in love again. The emotional approach is based on specific emotional needs, and such feelings are strong only until the needs are left unfulfilled.

What if you discovered that you could get a job and support your kids independently? Then your financial dependence on your spouse will vanish. With this, the emotions linked to it will also die, which can make you go back to feelings of disappointment and resentment towards your partner.

The decision to stay or not stay in a loveless relationship is not an easy one. So, it is best not to rush things. Take as much time as you need to dig deep and understand what you want. Are you at a stage where you simply cannot stand each other? Are you one hundred percent sure that you cannot be happy together? Or, do you think that with a few adjustments, you can live happily with your partner?

What you should do next will depend on the answers you give to these questions.

How To Add The Love Back Into Your Loveless Marriage

If you still have feelings for each other, then do whatever it takes to get things back on track. To help you, we bring you eight ways to bring the love back into your marriage.

  1. Forgive first and then start loving them. Just like falling out of love didn’t happen overnight, falling back in love also would take time. And if you both have made mistakes, then loving each other again is not going to be an easy task, although it won’t be an impossible one.

To fall in love with your partner again, you have to lower your expectations and look beyond their imperfections. This becomes easy when you forgive them. Forgiveness helps you calm your inner voice, and makes you less critical of your partner. But before deciding to forgive your partner, make sure that they are genuinely sorry for what they’ve done and are aware of the damage they have caused.

  1. Change your communication pattern. If the relationship is stuck in a vicious cycle of one partner pursuing and the other avoiding, then there will be no chance of a real conversation. In such a pattern, the pursuer will actively complain and always communicate more than what needs to be said, whereas the other person will avoid the conversation, going into a defensive mode.

To change this, the pursuing partner should learn to focus more on using a kind and understanding tone, while the other partner must try to be more open to looking at things from a different perspective.

  1. Show each other love and respect. To bring back the lost love and intimacy, you both need to treat each other with love and respect. This should not be hard, considering you did begin the relationship with love and mutual respect.

Try to treat each other with love and respect, by choosing to do things that make the other person happy and avoiding those that make them uncomfortable. This will help to bring back positive feelings for each other. And when positive feelings come back, it will not be long before you begin to fall for each other again.

  1. Spend more time together. Once you are comfortable with each other, and can communicate better, make plans to spend more time together. Make it a point to spend at least an hour or more talking about your day and exchanging ideas, but be careful not to slip back into old habits of communication.

Go on dates, dress up to impress each other and most importantly, say nice things to each other, like “you look beautiful today,” or “I missed our date nights so much.” Also, make sure that when you’re together, you’re entirely there and not thinking or talking about work or other things.

  1. Bring back the excitement in the bedroom. If both of you have been unhappy for quite some time, then your sex life might have taken a big hit. Sex has the power to bring two people close to each other. While it should not be used as an excuse to run away from troubles, it can definitely help to seal the deal faster.

If you successfully push back the negative feelings, then reconnect with your partner using the power of touch. You can also try to be physically intimate outside the bedroom. Try random hugs, a smile across the room, or a cuddle on the couch.

  1. Adopt a healthy way to fight. Falling back in love doesn’t mean you will not fight at all. There will be disagreements, but you will handle them with newfound wisdom and find a healthy way to settle arguments. When you take time to think, and not react, you may find that reason for fighting was silly, but how you communicated it might have sparked the fight.

So, the next time you want to put your point across, do it with a smile, and use kind words. For example, when the chores are piling up, you can say ‘dear! The house looks like a mess, would you please help me clean up?” Even if your spouse responds negatively, try not to blame them immediately. Give it some more time and see if they respond differently.

  1. Make yourself a priority too. Trying to make a relationship work and falling back in love is not easy; it takes lots of patience and commitment. So, it is natural sometimes to feel lost or overwhelmed. That is why it is essential to take out some time for yourself. When you are happy as an individual, you will be able to bring joy into the relationship.

So do things that will make you happy now and then. Go out with your girlfriends, take up a favorite hobby, or spend some alone time if that is what you want to do. Also, remember that ‘me time’ is not being selfish; it is a necessity for your well-being.

  1. Give your everything but do not water a dead plant. While it is important to put in all the efforts to save a relationship, there is no point trying to breathe life into an already dead relationship. So make sure that both you and your partner’s intentions match before you try falling back in love. If you don’t see any progress despite all that you are doing, take a second look and see if this is really what you want.

If you can make things work, then nothing like it. But if, unfortunately, things do not work, decide what is best for both of you.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it possible to stay in a loveless marriage?

Love establishes the foundation of a marriage, so it is difficult to stay in a loveless marriage where you feel detached from your partner. Therefore, reflect on the situation and decide whether to continue such a relationship or move on. Talk to your partner and discuss what you want from each other. If you wish to stay together, work on creating intimacy by achieving short-term goals, such as going on a vacation or cooking together. However, if you decide to move on, consider the consequences and talk to a professional about it.

2. How do I deal with a loveless marriage?

To cope in a loveless marriage, accept the reality and build a life on your terms. Do things that give you joy and shift your focus from the negative emotion you feel. Try to change how you feel about your partner, show gratitude for the things that make your life easy, find reasons to feel thankful, and make friends who can support you in the right way and help you navigate through this phase smoothly.

If you and your spouse often neglect each other in difficult times, have a dispute, and show a lack of respect, these could be signs of a loveless marriage. It might happen when partners establish a relationship too soon, are coerced into marriage, or their love for one another fades after a few years. Nobody deserves to be in an unhappy relationship. So, if you and your partner are willing to work things out, make a mutual effort to bring happiness and love back into your relationship. Give it all, but if it still doesn’t work out, seek expert help before giving up.

Key Pointers

  • When you feel like love has faded away, and you have grown apart from your partner, you might be in a loveless marriage.
  • You could be disinterested in communicating with your partner and develop feelings of resentment towards each other.
  • Comprehend the situation from all perspectives and take your call if you want to stay or leave in the marriage.
  • Before making a decision, think again and be patient. You may spend some quality time with each other to sort out your issues.

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Vincenzo Sinisi
Vincenzo SinisiClinical Psychologist
Vincenzo Sinisi is a psychoanalyst, group analyst, clinical psychologist, and the founding director of TherapyRoute, an international mental health service directory and resource platform. He has 14 years of experience and is an active member of the South African psychotherapeutic community and has held several executive positions, including Chairperson of the Cape Town Society for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Secretary of the South African Psychoanalysis Initiative and Treasurer / Board Member of the Center for Group Analytic Studies.

Read full bio of Vincenzo Sinisi
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