How To Spot Your Child’s Language Disorder Issues?

Written by MomJunction
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Are you concerned about your child’s language and speech skills? Is your child a little hesitant in speaking and do you worry whether there could be something causing the delay? Have you tried encouraging her to speak but nothing seems to do the trick?

If you are looking at ways to encourage language proficiency or help your child speak better, read our post. Here we look at types of language disorders in children and how you can help your child overcome it.

What Is A Language Disorder?

Language disorder or language impairment or language delay is a condition, in which the child faces problems expressing herself through the use of language or finds it difficult to understand what the other person says. Typically the problem occurs with the use of the main language that she speaks. The doctor will diagnose her, and if she doesn’t suffer from other developmental delays or hearing loss, she suffers from a language disorder [1].

[ Read: Ways To Improve Communication Skills In Kids ]

Speech and language disorders in children are of two types.

  • Expressive Language Disorder In Children:Your child may not be able to express herself through the use of language, hence the term ‘expressive.’
  • Receptive Language Disorder In Children: Your child may have a problem in understanding what the other person is trying to convey, hence the term ‘receptive.’

Your child may have only an expressive language disorder or a combination of both expressive and receptive language disorder. Even with a language disorder, she will be able to produce basic sounds and speech that you will be able to understand.

[ Read: Speech Therapy For Children ]

What Causes Language Disorder?

In most children, language will start to develop soon after birth. To be able to develop language properly, your child must also be able to hear, understand, see and remember things and sounds. Almost 1 out of every 20 children has some form of language disorder [2].

  • Most children who have receptive language disorder will start showing symptoms before the age of four.
  • Sometimes, language disorders can occur if your child suffers any damage to the central nervous system. Such a condition is known as aphasia.
  • An injury to the brain can also cause mixed language disorder.
  • Genetics also play a major role in a language disorder. Almost 20 to 40 percent children with language disorders have some family member who suffers the same.

How To Spot Your Child’s Language Disability Issues:

Here is a generic timeline that details the kind of language development your child will have at different ages. Remember that all children have a different pace of reaching a milestone, so do provide for some delay too. If you notice a difference of more than two to three gaps at any stage, make sure to speak to her doctor: [3]

  • At Birth: Crying.
  • 2-3 Months: Will cry differently to signal needs and under different circumstances. Will coo as response to any sound you make.
  • 3-4 Months: Babble.
  • 5-6 Months: Babble with rhythm.
  • 6-11 Months: Babble as an imitation to your speech along with expression.
  • 12 Months: Start saying one or two words, will recognize name, may imitate familiar sounds or words, will be able to understand basic instructions.
  • 18 Months: Use anything between 5 and 20 words including names.
  • Between 1 and 2 Years: Say two word phrases, make sounds of known animals, use words like ‘more’ and ‘no’ to express wants.

[ Read: Language Activities For Kids ]

  • Between 2 and 3 Years: Can identify body parts, combine nouns and verbs, use short sentences, form plurals, understand and try to say stories.
  • Between 3 and 4 Years: Can say story, use 4 to 5 word long sentences, knows full name and street name, nursery rhymes.

If you feel your child is taking longer than other children to get comfortable with the use of language, make sure you schedule a doctor appointment. In the meanwhile, continue speaking to her at all give opportunities and be attentive.

Have you ever dealt with language disorder in children? Do share your experience with other moms here.

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