51 Hobbies For Couples To Strengthen Their Relationship

Written by , BE, PGDBM, Certified Professional Life Coach Harini Natarajan BE, PGDBM, Certified Professional Life Coach Experience: 17 years
Last Updated on

Having the same hobbies as your partner can be a superb way to connect and develop a better, stronger, and more intimate bond. Doing things together will also keep your relationship interesting and fun. Of course, you obviously don’t need to share each and every interest, which can be rather boring, but be willing to indulge in whatever both of you like. This would be an exciting way of expanding your horizons and learning something new together.

Check out this list of hobbies perfect for couples that we have compiled just for you and your partner and find amazing new ideas to spend quality time together and have fun with your bae.

Fun Hobbies For Couples

1. Tennis

Tennis is a perfect way to connect with your boyfriend or husband, especially if you both are the sporty type. It is also a great way to stay in shape and flaunt those sexy legs!

2. Go To An Art Gallery

Do some research and visit an art gallery together. Explore your artistic and creative side with your bae. You both will not only learn a great deal more about the pieces but also learn to appreciate each other’s intellectual capabilities.

3. Travel

Couples who travel together end up having a common goal and purpose that strengthens their relationship, even after the trips are over. Plan a fun weekend trip just for the two of you. You will not only get to explore a nearby place but see each other in a new environment. A perfect atmosphere for bonding with one another!

4. Go Roller Skating

Explore your neighborhood in a unique way with your partner. Get a pair of rollerblades and go skating, holding hands. You may fall several times, but you will be doing that together. Have fun!

5. Go To The Farmer’s Market

Go To The Farmer’s Market
Image: Shutterstock

This is a simple and cute way to spend some quality time with each other on a Sunday morning. You can pick up fresh fruits and vegetables (or even flowers!) and spend the day cooking together. You can also make exotic meals for each other and show some culinary prowess.

6. Pottery

You can take a pottery class together. Create some amazing things and gift them to each other. You can also paint each other’s pieces or make a dozen of them to gift family and friends.

7. Photography

Instagram is full of photos of couples that they take of each other – and for good reason. It can capture a moment in time for ever. You two can look back at it and relive the moment at a later date and reminiscence about the beautiful time you spent together.

8. Ballroom Dancing

Intimacy and dancing are closely tied. In all fairy tales, it is always after a dance that the prince and princess kiss. If that is not a good enough reason for both of you to take dancing up as a hobby together, we don’t know what is! You can try salsa dancing. This will get you both out of your comfort zones, and you will learn to do it together. You will not only get some exercise in but also learn some great moves.

9. Board Game Club

There are so many mentally stimulating board games available nowadays. Find a club that offers a wide selection of board games that you can either play together or against each other. It will open you up to new and unique ways of interacting with one another. If nothing, just get a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle and have fun putting it together together.

10. Go Scuba Diving

Go Scuba Diving
Image: Shutterstock

This can be a great opportunity to connect as a couple. You can make beautiful new memories and look super goofy while doing it! This will be a great bonding experience because you will get to experience one of the most beautiful sights in nature together as a couple.

11. Bake

This requires equal parts artistry and science. Baking is a form of cooking that appeals to both men and women. Even if it doesn’t turn up great all the time, you will mostly have yummilicious food around the house whenever you want it.

12. Refinish Furniture

This will require a bit of hard work and some creative effort. However, together, both of you can learn to convert someone else’s throw-away furniture into exquisite, functional works of art.

13. Go Snorkeling

If you both like adventure sports, this is another great outdoor hobby. You can see so many fish in the ocean and create some wonderful memories that you both can look back on in the future.

14. Bowling

Bowling is a super fun hobby. You can even get your *friendly* competitive spirit out! Make a fun game to see who wins – the loser buys the winner dinner or dessert!

15. Gardening

Image: Shutterstock

Gardening is a fun hobby. You both can create something beautiful outdoors. Plant anything you both like – whether vegetables or flowers – and watch your creations grow by the day, like your relationship.

16. Hiking

Hiking is an awesome way to explore the world, and it can be a real challenge you both can face together. However, what will help you bond is encouraging each other to complete the challenge as a team.

17. Volunteering

There is nothing more rewarding than going out and doing some good in the world. In fact, you can even ask your other couple friends to join you. By doing this, you will find many supportive people who will enrich your life and make you appreciate each other even more.

18. Painting

Get together and make some art! It is not only good for your brain, but it can also change your thinking towards life. You will expect more creative and positive outcomes from everything, which is essential for keeping relationships healthy and happy.

19. Sailing

This hobby combines freedom, responsibility, teamwork, and skill. You will learn to work as a team because your life will depend on it. Make sure you both get proper training before you take a boat out into the waters, though. It could be dangerous if you both are not properly trained.

20. Play A New Sport

Play A New Sport
Image: Shutterstock

You can have a lighthearted competition and encourage cooperation between the both of you. This will spice up your interactions and make your bond stronger as a couple.

21. Try Rock Climbing

This will promote amazing teamwork with your bae. It is fun to see how far up you can make it on the wall and who goes the farthest! It is also a great way to get some exercise in and grow strong. You will reap the benefits of achieving a hot bod as well.

22. Cook Together

Cooking is a great hobby to try together. Research recipes you both are interested in and haven’t ever tasted. It will be a super fun way to create a meal with love that you both will enjoy. You can also have a cooking competition, where one can make the dessert and the other the main dish. Your friends can decide who the winner is.

23. Play Video Games

Play each other’s favorite video games or try a new one – there are so many coming up every day, you are bound to find something you both like. Compete with each other or form a team and compete against others. Have fun!

24. Start A Couple’s Blog

Look for a topic you both are passionate about and start a blog! It could be food, gardening, book reviews, movies – anything! It is a new and fun way to share your voice and ideas as a couple.

25. Camping

Image: Shutterstock

Camping is a great idea for a hobby you can do together. You will get to learn new things about each other because you will be staying in a new environment together for a few days. It will also allow you both some alone time together, and you both can enjoy a weekend away from the bustles of life.

26. Swimming

Swimming is a great hobby that you both can share. Get outdoors, play around, exercise, and have fun! You can even make this a romantic experience if you want.

27. Kayaking

This hobby will promote teamwork. It will also allow you both to have a conversation tucked away together. But make sure you receive proper training before going deep into the water.

28. Surfing

Not an easy hobby, but a super fun one. Learn it together and practice to become pros! You will get those toned legs and super tanned body.

29. Biking

Biking is a cool way to get some exercise and explore your environment! You can even look online to find fun trails that you can ride together. You can even join a cyclist club if you want to learn more about biking and find new places to cycle to.

30. Training For A Marathon

Training For A Marathon
Image: Shutterstock

This is for the fitness enthusiasts! Taking part in a marathon is a great way to push your fitness limits. Get a trainer if you need and ask them to train the both of you. Set goals, train together, and kill it.

31. Go Horseback Riding

This is a great way to connect with nature as well as each other – whether you are on a trail or on a beautiful, serene beach. Who knows, this may even make you both fall in love with horses, and you both can adopt your own!

32. Try Some Arts And Crafts

Pinterest has some amazing arts and crafts ideas – just find a few and do them together. You can even customize mason jars, try some pottery painting, or make a scrapbook. You can gift the things you create with love to family and friends on their birthdays. Nothing beats giving something handmade you have created with love.

33. Learn How To Write Calligraphy

There are plenty of YouTube videos on how to write calligraphy. You can do this as a couple and become more creative. You can make beautiful pieces, write each other letters, print them, and frame them.

34. Try Karaoke

This is a fun hobby. You can either play some karaoke at home or go to a place that offers karaoke nights. Pick each other’s songs, join each other, and have a great time.

35. Try Laser Tagging

Try Laser Tagging
Image: Shutterstock

Laser tag is a fun hobby to do together. Simply team up or go against each other. Trust me, this will take the fun to a whole new level. You can even ask friends to join you and create teams. You both against the world!

36. Go To The Gym

This is a great hobby to do together – your partner can be your motivation! You will always have someone encouraging you the entire time to get healthy and fit. Also, there is nothing more irking than your partner getting all sexy while you get closer to representing a couch potato. Get up and move that pretty behind!

37. Learn A New Musical Instrument

Get your artistic sides out and learn how to play the violin, piano, or even the tabla! You can even try to learn complementary instruments so that you can make beautiful music together. Super romantic!

38. Take A Sculpting Class

Take a sculpting class together. You can even form a team and sculpt something together. Or do it together, if you know what we mean.

39. Make Your Own Wine

It is not as intimidating as it may sound. Learn how to make wine and try it yourselves. You can search on YouTube or look for classes that teach you how to create wine. Then, just put on some music and enjoy the wine you have made together!

40. Go Thrift Shopping

Looking to buy something cute, unique, and reasonably priced for each other or yourselves? Go to your local thrift shop with your partner and see what you can find. You will also be able to learn more about each other’s styles.

41. Go To Yoga Class

Go To Yoga Class
Image: Shutterstock

Look for a yoga class you both can enjoy. You can even try hot yoga. You will not only become flexible but also reap its benefits on your health!

42. Ice Skating

Ice skating is always fun. It is one goofy hobby you can try together. This can be romantic, and you will get to spend some quality time together.

43. Join A Zumba Class

Take a Zumba class together. Get your groove on with your bae and lose those extra pounds while having a lot of fun. This is a super fun way to exercise and also to get a good laugh in. If you both can’t take time out together or hate to dance in public, simply buy some DVDs and dance away in the privacy of your living room. The main thing is to have a lot of fun.

44. Learn How To Massage Each Other

You can get all the info you need from YouTube or get a book from a library that will teach you all you need to know about how to give a good massage. You can learn it together or show your partner what you have learned. Give each other massages and practice on one another. This relaxing hobby has a load of benefits for both the mind and the body.

45. Candle Making

Candle Making
Image: Shutterstock

Enhance your intimacy by making and burning some homemade candles. This art has been around for centuries. Again, YouTube can be a great tutor. You both can even add essential oils to your candles and make them smell great. Customize them in shapes and sizes that work for each of your rooms. Make this experience romantic by using the candles for a bath or a candlelit dinner.

46. Learn Reiki

This healing technique uses a method known as “palm” healing. Take a class and learn how to do this properly. Afterwards, you and your bae can heal each other using a “universal energy” that will be transferred from the palms of the healer to the recipient. This practice encourages both physical and emotional healing. Even if you don’t quite get it, using your hands to heal each other is pretty sexy and romantic.

47. Take A Class On Essential Oils

Take a class on the health benefits of various essential oils. You both can then start using them by mixing them in with your massage oils, diffusing them, or use them topically in a carrier oil.

48. Read The Same Book

Form a book club – just the two of you! Read or listen to the same book and then discuss it with each other. Pick a thought-provoking one to ignite a passionate conversation with your partner. You can even pick a mystery novel and discuss with each other to see if either one of you can solve it before the book is over. This can be a great bonding experience.

49. Try Interior Decorating

Try Interior Decorating
Image: Shutterstock

Interior decorating can be a fun hobby that you both can do at home. You both can use this skill to create a new, functional space together as well as beautify your home. You can paint a few rooms, reorganize your furniture, or give your house a complete makeover. One good thing about this is that if you don’t like something, you can always redo it. Play around with colors and have fun exploring your creative sides.

50. Learn Sign Language

Wouldn’t it be uber cool if you both could secretly talk to each other without family or friends getting to know what you mean? Learn sign language so that both of you can convey secret messages to each other when you are out in public. This is not only an interesting hobby idea but also a good skill to have in life because you both can help out the deaf community if they ever need translators or someone to talk to.

51. Play Chess

This universally loved, intellectually stimulating game is not only competitive but also super fun. You can play chess with each other for years and still have new things to learn. Time will fly when you are playing chess because you will always try to think of a few moves ahead of your partner and keep plotting how to take them down. Get a bet going so that the winner gets a dinner or drinks from the loser. You can even play to decide who does the dishes.

Trying new hobbies and doing activities together are great ways to strengthen your bond as well as your relationship. It does not matter if you just got together, are a married couple, are a senior couple, or just want more fun hobbies to do as a team. These hobbies will ultimately help you both see each other in a new light and appreciate each other more.

You will learn more about each other as well as yourselves, and together, you will grow as a couple. It is a great idea to try new hobbies, and if you do so continually, your relationship will never get boring. You both will keep exploring new avenues and grow stronger and kinder towards each other.

Which hobby are you going to try with your partner? Share with us in the comments section below.

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Harini Natarajan
Harini NatarajanHead Of Content Operations
As Head Of Content Operations, Harini sets the tone and editorial direction for StyleCraze to deliver engaging, interesting, and authentic content revolving around women's health, wellness, and beauty. She is a Certified Professional Life Coach from Transformation Academy, a Certified Emotional Intelligence Practitioner from The Priority Academy, and has over 17 years of experience in content writing and editing for online media.

Read full bio of Harini Natarajan
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