10 Tips To Prevent Motion Sickness In Children

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Travelling with kids for a long trip can be stressful and tiring. They not only irritate you by asking, “are we there yet” at every bend you take, but also with their frequent episodes of motion sickness. If you think your child is the only one with motion sickness, then you are wrong. Here’s everything about motion sickness in children.
What Is Motion Sickness?
Motion sickness is very common among children than adults. Many children get sick when travelling by car. Children under the age of two do not get this problem, but it is most common between 3 to 12 years kids.
Strong smell in the car or bend roads can cause travel sickness. The feeling may become worse if your toddler is playing with any object or staring at something in particular. These sicknesses vanish as your child gets older.
[ Read: Tips For Traveling With Kids ]
Types Of Motion Sickness In Children:
It can occur in any kind of motion that is unintentional. Types of motion sickness include:
1. Car Sickness:
It is a common type of motion sickness, and it is indicated by the lack of ability to read a book while travelling. Car sickness in kids occurs due to a sensory conflict in the brain. Various theories exist about this cause.
One theory says that the eyes observe the motion while moving in a car while other sensors of the body sense the stillness. It can, therefore, create a conflict between the inner ear and eyes. Another theory says that the eyes usually observe the interior of the car that is still while the inner ear senses the motion as the vehicle travels over the hills and bumps.
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2. Sea Sickness:
This form of motion sickness is experienced when your child spends hours together on waters. Your little one may have a feeling of nausea, and it can lead to vertigo in extreme cases. The rocking motion of the watercraft or the movement, when immersed in waters, can bring the sickness.
Poor conditions of the sea like fog will worsen the sea sickness in kids.
3. Air Sickness:
It is induced while travelling on the plane. It is a form of motion sickness caused by up and down movements of the aircraft. The small window sizes, sharp tilts and blocking clouds can all constitute to air sickness.
The above three types of travel sickness in children are caused due to movements in two different directions like up or down, back and forth at the same time. A boat ride unlikely causes more sickness that any other types.
Causes Of Travel Sickness In Children:
When your kid is travelling in the car, a discrepancy occurs between the actual motion sensed by the organs and the motion which is expected to occur. The unexpected signal creates confusion in the brain, which leads to motion sickness.
Here are few things which trigger motion sickness.
- Stuffy air
- If your kid eats unhealthy food example like chips, or cold-drinks
- Staring at a particular thing for a long time
- Reading books
- Playing mobile games
[ Read: Tips To Make Air Travel With Kids Easier ]
Signs And Symptoms Of Motion Sickness:
The most common signs and symptoms of motion sickness include:
- Your baby starts yawing a lot
- He become quiet and pale
- Experience restlessness
- Cold sweat
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Increase in saliva
How To Prevent Motion Sickness?
Motion sickness may be tough to stop once it starts, so it is better to prevent. Here are few tips for you to prevent your baby from suffering motion sickness.
- Make your toddler eat food before or during any trip. Empty stomach can make your toddler feel sick and induce motion sickness. Avoid oily food like chips or even cold-drinks. Carbohydrates and proteins are the best option you have.
- Interact with your child. Distract in any possible way like chatting, singing, etc.
- You can stop the car once in a while for your little tot to get some fresh air.
- Let your toddler have few sip of water. Being dehydrated can make your child feel nausea.
- If your child vomit despite all the efforts, give him water to drink to keep him hydrated.
- Keep your car temperature normal.
- Front seats are best for your child; avoid rear seats in the van.
- Avoid less brake.
- Keep wipes already available in your car.
- Peppermint candies can be helpful.
Home Remedies For Motion Sickness:
There are many approaches for treating motion sickness in kids, and natural remedies are one among the best treatments.
- Ginger – Ginger effectively treats motion sickness and works well by slowing the muscular wall movements in the tummy. It is available in the form of an oral pill, or a fresh ginger stem can also be given to relieve the symptoms. You should check with your child’s pediatrician about the appropriate usage.
[ Read: Altitude Sickness In Children ]
- Aromatherapy – Essential oils of lavender and mint are effective anti-nausea agents.
- Acupressure – Some therapists say that Acupressure bands are effective in treating motion sickness. They are stretchable bands that are worn on the wrists. The acupuncturists will apply pressure on the particular points on your inner wrist region to relieve the sickness.
Motion Sickness Medicine For Kids:
For children older than 2 years, anti-nausea medicines are readily available in the drug store.
- There are chewable tablets and liquid medicine available in case your toddler is too younger.
- Before you give anything to your child, ask your doctor about its side effects as some motion sickness medicine for children can make them drowsy and cause constipation.
- The symptoms generally disappear when the movement comes to a halt.
- Diagnostic tests are not available for motion sickness. If the condition becomes worse, medical attention would be required.
What did you do to prevent motion sickness in your kid? Have any precautionary measures to share. Feel free to comment below.

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